Life comes with many responsibilities: school assignments, household chores, church callings, work schedules, and the never ending tasks of being a new parent. Sometimes, I just wish there were two of me. However, that is not the case.
With all the hustle and bustle of daily life, especially with the end of the school semester approaching, it's easy to push "family time"to the bottom of your priority ladder. I'll admit, I'm guilty of having those head nodding conversations with my husband about who-knows-what, just to realize later, that instead of listening to him, I was thinking about something else.
Last week, while procrastinating my online homework assignment no less, I came across a quote on Pinterest (good ol' Pinterest). The author is unknown but their words hit home for me.
"Respect those who talk to you in their free time, But love those who free their time to talk to you."
Author Unknown
It was then that I realized that we needed to pull Family Home Evening back up the priority ladder.
So this week, our family activity was spent at the mall with the baby bunnies, chicks, and ducklings. Little Miss had a blast! Of course, she still calls anything small and cuddly "doggy," but we are working on that.
That night was the Undergraduate Art Show at the college. With the weather finally warming up, we decided to bring the stroller and walk over to the school. It was fun viewing the artwork together, discussing our opinions, without any outside interference (like that online homework assignment...hmmm). There was even a table of free finger foods to enjoy. Little Miss enjoyed smearing crackers over her face and smiling at the art students.
It was definitely a good day spent together as a family. Spending time together as a family definitely increases love and harmony in the home. I am witness to this. There is a great talk from the October 2005 Conference by the LDS apostle, M. Russell Ballard, titled What Matters most is What Lasts Longest. I highly recommend reading it if you wish to read more about the importance of family and Family Home Evening.
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